
Use This Clever Device to Catch and Release Spiders Without Killing Them

April 21, 2016 | Kelly Tatera

Critter Catcher
Photo credit: Screen grab from INSIDER video

“It’s perfect for the arachnophobic pacifist.”

You're minding your own business, maybe settling into the couch to watch an episode of your favorite show, and the panic sets in. You see it across the room. Its black beady eyes and eight legs.

Whether you’re terrified of spiders, have a personal crisis of conscience about killing insects, or both, it can be a tricky scheme to get the critters out of your home.

Inspired by his own son’s arachnophobia, Irish entrepreneur Tony Allen decided to craft a device for all compassionate arachnophobes out there. Called “My Critter Catcher,” the device boasts a long handle — to keep you at a safe distance, of course — and nylon-bristled head traps.

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The soft bristles allow you to ensare the the insect without crushing it and then safely free it in the wild after you push a button to open up the bristles.

You can see how the device works in INSIDER’s video below:


Not only can the device help with spiders, but the website claims it can take care of wasps and bees, crickets, beetles, stink bugs, cockroaches, snails, and scorpions.

You can buy your very own Critter Catcher for just $16.95 — “perfect for the arachnophobic pacifist,” as the INSIDER video states.

While some arachnophobes have it worse than others, standard treatment for the phobia involves cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which could include mild exposure to the critters in order to slowly reduce anxiety. Less conventional treatment methods include hypnotherapy and virtual reality — psychiatrists use VR glasses and gloves to simulate a spider crawling on a patient to help them gradually overcome their fear of real-life spiders.

In the meantime, we recommend checking this video out of a spider as it sees itself in the mirror for the first time. The spider’s awkward dance is admittedly pretty cute.

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